3035 Fanfare Way
Alpharetta GA 30009
Check in starts at 11:00 am
Please click HERE to register!
NO registrations accepted after Friday, January 6, 2017 !!!
Registration and Fees:
All private and home school students in grades 3-12 within Georgia may participate in the Fair. Grade level divisions are as follows:
Note: The Hardware category is restricted to 7th grade and above ONLY.
Note: The Individual and Team Programming Challenge categories are limited to 7th grade and above ONLY.
Students register by their current grade level. There is no separate team competition. You may have up to 2 people on a team but teams and individuals will compete against each other within each grade grouping.
Projects for each category must be unique and cannot be entered in more than one category. Students may participate in only one project, excluding the Technology Literacy Challenge.
All students must complete their registration on-line through this website. Mailed registration forms will not be accepted. The non-refundable registration fee for each student is $10. If a team submits an entry, each team member must pay the $10 fee. After the registration deadline, you will be contacted to confirm the category of your project to prevent confusion on the day of the fair.
Fees must be postmarked no later than January 8, 2017. Checks should made out to Atlanta Jewish Academy and MUST have "Tech Fair" in the memo area of the check, as well as each registrant’s full name and a contact phone number on the check. Fees are not refundable. No registrations or fees will be taken at the fair.
Please register carefully.
1- Type your name as you want it to appear on all records. All participant information will be merged from the registration form. If you spell your name without capital letters, then your information will not have capital letters. Misspellings will also not be corrected. It is your responsibility to enter the correct information.
2- Type your email contact address carefully. We use this to confirm your registration. Registrations without email addresses will not be accepted. Participants with invalid email addresses will miss important updates and information about the fair. The Tech Fair is NOT responsible for missed information or changes sent in emails to invalid email addresses.
3- Teams should only fill out ONE registration form with both student's name on it. DO NOT fill out separate forms for each member.
4- Read the category descriptions before you select your project category. No changes will be made after the project has been confirmed. After that time, students’ projects will be judged based on the category for which they registered. Changes in category WILL NOT be made for any reason the day of the fair. Projects will be judged by the rubric of the category under which the project was submitted.
IMPORTANT!! Registration confirmations will be emailed on January 13, 2017. If you have registered for the Fair and do not receive an email by January 13, please contact us immediately at [email protected]
3035 Fanfare Way
Alpharetta GA 30009
Check in starts at 11:00 am
Please click HERE to register!
NO registrations accepted after Friday, January 6, 2017 !!!
Registration and Fees:
All private and home school students in grades 3-12 within Georgia may participate in the Fair. Grade level divisions are as follows:
- Grades 3-4
- Grades 5-6
- Grades 7-8
- Grades 9-10
- Grades 11-12
Note: The Hardware category is restricted to 7th grade and above ONLY.
Note: The Individual and Team Programming Challenge categories are limited to 7th grade and above ONLY.
Students register by their current grade level. There is no separate team competition. You may have up to 2 people on a team but teams and individuals will compete against each other within each grade grouping.
Projects for each category must be unique and cannot be entered in more than one category. Students may participate in only one project, excluding the Technology Literacy Challenge.
All students must complete their registration on-line through this website. Mailed registration forms will not be accepted. The non-refundable registration fee for each student is $10. If a team submits an entry, each team member must pay the $10 fee. After the registration deadline, you will be contacted to confirm the category of your project to prevent confusion on the day of the fair.
Fees must be postmarked no later than January 8, 2017. Checks should made out to Atlanta Jewish Academy and MUST have "Tech Fair" in the memo area of the check, as well as each registrant’s full name and a contact phone number on the check. Fees are not refundable. No registrations or fees will be taken at the fair.
Please register carefully.
1- Type your name as you want it to appear on all records. All participant information will be merged from the registration form. If you spell your name without capital letters, then your information will not have capital letters. Misspellings will also not be corrected. It is your responsibility to enter the correct information.
2- Type your email contact address carefully. We use this to confirm your registration. Registrations without email addresses will not be accepted. Participants with invalid email addresses will miss important updates and information about the fair. The Tech Fair is NOT responsible for missed information or changes sent in emails to invalid email addresses.
3- Teams should only fill out ONE registration form with both student's name on it. DO NOT fill out separate forms for each member.
4- Read the category descriptions before you select your project category. No changes will be made after the project has been confirmed. After that time, students’ projects will be judged based on the category for which they registered. Changes in category WILL NOT be made for any reason the day of the fair. Projects will be judged by the rubric of the category under which the project was submitted.
IMPORTANT!! Registration confirmations will be emailed on January 13, 2017. If you have registered for the Fair and do not receive an email by January 13, please contact us immediately at [email protected]